AAUW Public Policy

Public Policy

  • Public Policy underscore AAUW’s mission to advance gender equity for women and girls.
  • AAUW positions on issues are based upon its commitment to being nonpartisan and fact-based.
  • AAUW believes in a balance between the rights  of the individual and the needs of a community.  We oppose all forms of discrimination.
  • The AAUW supports:

High quality public education;

          Reduction of poverty, a living wage, family leave and affordable health care;

Separation of church and state;

An independent judiciary;

 Campaign finance reform;

Open and fair elections;

Strong Medicare and Medicaid systems, free of privatization.

AAUW Biennial Public Policy Priorities

Priorities, adopted every two years by every-member vote, establish the federal action issues on which AAUW members focus their advocacy efforts and guide the work of the national staff. 

  1. Support of a strong system of public education, by:    enforcing Title IX and other civil rights laws pertaining to education;  funding adequately a quality public education; opposing use of public funds for nonpublic elementary and secondary education and charter schools, which do not adhere to the same civil rights and accountability standards required of other public schools.
  2. Achievement of Economic Security for all Women, by:    advocating pay equity in compensation and benefits; endorsing a living wage; supporting policies to allow women better work/life balances such as quality and affordable day care and paid family, medical and sick leave.
  3. Guarantee of Equality, Individual Rights and Social Justice,  by:    advocating for self-determination in reproductive health care decisions,  requiring access to quality affordable health care and comprehensive family planning, enforcing civil and constitutional rights, such as affirmative action, voting rights, defending self and family structures, eliminating violence and fear of violence in homes, schools, communities and workplaces, supporting programs addressing human rights and those of women and  girls AND PASSAGE OF THE EQUAL RIGHTS AMENDMENT.

See the following for the  AAUW’s entire public policy statement:

AAUW Public Policy   and     Public Policy Priorities